martedì 30 agosto 2011

the Colonnade

Official documents show clearly how changing the design of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome as we know it today is closely tied up with the news that came from the New World, compared to the first trip to Colombia and the large amount of wealth in gold and other precious that had been found. The same columns of the Basilica was built thanks to the possibilities opened up by new funds.

giovedì 18 agosto 2011

Raimondo Lullo

Raimondo Lullo, who has inspired the work of Columbus through his theories, not only geographical belonged to all intents and purposes, secular Franciscan order. And was beatified

mercoledì 17 agosto 2011

The Popes

The relations between Colombo and the Pope than to discover the new world we have to explain that the Papal States, with the bull of 1493 divided between the two economic powers, the political era, Spain and Portugal, the new lands discovered the subject of evangelization. Even relations with Julius II continued, where the new pope sees Christopher Columbus as his legate natural tantoché Columbus gets to personally choose the missionaries to carry with you in the new world. Franciscan clear from the archives as the bubble breaks down completely the argument that Columbus was aware that he actually discovered a new world.


Colombo's intention to embark on his adventure, it was the Spanish Franciscan studies of Ramon Llull, which Columbus had access to entering the Franciscan tertiary. Raymond Lull had already developed scientific theories, based on the study of tides, under which he clearly expressed his belief that the earth was not flat but spherical. Columbus was well acquainted with the theories of Lully. Cade then one of the bases upon which the alleged ignorance of Columbus and its key geographical error.

The purpose of the journey

The support of the Colombian Spanish adventure was far from random. Christopher Columbus, a Franciscan, is presented as Papal Legate at the Franciscan Queen Isabella. The Franciscans and the bond with the papacy was the glue so true, historically documented between Colombo and its lenders.

"The Confessor"

"The Confessor", the documents of the Franciscan witness in a historic, indelible and incontrovertible the fundamental role of the Franciscans themselves in discovering the new world. They accompanied Columbus during all trips, carrying with him the true purpose of the trip, that the evangelization of a new land already known, as announced by Isaiah in the Bible.

Pictures of Christopher Columbus

Images of Columbus, we have to say that the systematic erasure of the truth about Columbus is also passed through the dissemination of contradictory images of Columbus, but never really represented as a Franciscan, for which the discovery of the New World was primarily a mission. Just a Franciscan from the archive comes to us the only real image of Columbus, far from the despicable Admiral handed down by history. You can see the image by visiting Facebook and searching for the Christopher Columbus Committee pro.

lunedì 8 agosto 2011

Shipping routes

was very strange by the official historians attribute to other people a premature discovery of the new world. These Phoenicians, Normans and other peoples of sailors who, according to official history, they would go away leaving traces of their passage. A version that does not stand if we think that the same people mentioned have winning attitudes in all other places where they arrived. This is even more true when we think of the amount of gold and other treasures found in new lands. In reality it is a manipulation of history to steal at Colombo's discovery that he possesses.

Encounters that change history

In Jerusalem, there occurred the first meeting between Christopher
Columbus and the Franciscans. Columbus will become a Franciscan tertiary, that is secular, but belonged to the Franciscan.

lunedì 1 agosto 2011


Let it be clear to all readers and eager to justice, just the truth will be known to all whom it may concern will have decided whether to rewrite or soria soo change it, for us it is just JUSTICE.

more than 500 years later

One indisputable fact is that technically the route taken by Columbus to the New World was the best. Technically, in fact, more than 500 years later, still followed the sea.

More details from the secret archives

Emerges from the archives, once again, and never told a different story, where was the Colombian community in the New World to suffer real looting, at the hands of those same people who testify against him in the process set up to discredit him.

The confessor of Christopher Columbus

In relation to documents of the archives, an independent multimedia production that we are following will have to give due prominence to the role of Monticastri Bernardino da Todi, the confessor of Christopher Columbus.

The biggest media event in the world

The committee studies of Christopher Columbus has the largest media event, the Truth of Life of Christopher Columbus in the next month will announce the dates and place of 'Event


It seems increasingly clear that the incarceration and the reconstruction of frequent massacres warps by Christopher Columbus and his men, are actually functional to hide the truth about the lack of respect for agreements made ​​with respect to the discovery of the New World, before departure.

A new light on Christopher Columbus

The documents reveal a Colombo suffers from several health problems, including a special form of "allergy" in relation to exposure to light. This limit sheds new light against each other "maps".

The story can still change

Christopher Columbus's papers reveal a well with a plan more extensive than actually completing. The slander, the prison and the chains are drawn as we know it today. But we can still change.

The will of Christopher Columbus

It 'the same as the original wills of Columbus to dispel all doubts, born from the original distortion of history, than the full legitimacy of his son Ferdinand, who lived in full compliance with Spanish laws on so-called "primogeniture" in force at the time.

Resuming the journey of Christopher Columbus

With all due respect and the inevitable differences, the group of scholars that we are alongside the task, demanding, but exciting, to resume the journey, interrupted for reasons of geopolitical Ferdinand Donnet (Bordeaux year 1866)

The virtues of Christopher Columbus

To cancel, no skills, but the Colombian has been accredited under the figure without even a concubine, then, moral virtues. Even so, it severed ties with the truth.