short path to the theory of india is a red herring.
"Christopher's mind began to take shape the design of the route
short for the Indies. "
Source Wikipedia.
But then just found the funding suddenly enters into a contract.
"According to the contract (Capitolaciones), signed April 17, 1492 in Santa Fe,
Colombo, in the event of a successful journey, he obtained the title of
the office of admiral and viceroy and governor of the lands discovered. "
source Wikipedia
But such lands discovered India 's already knew very well, thanks to Marco
Polo Columbus as then always returns had been studying Wikipedia.
"In Lisbon, Columbus began to gather information and to read texts of geography, as
Historia rerum ubique gestarum of Pope Pius II (Enea Silvio Piccolomini)
printed in 1477, the Imago Mundi of Pierre d'Ailly (1480) and The Travels of Marco
Polo. "
For those who can not remember in Marco Polo's is described in India in
very precisely with a lot of different kingdoms kings and governors.
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